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Exploitable Key Results

Now you understand the basics it is time to consider the huge number of opportunities and choices before you! Do you want to perform further research, are you interested in licencing your technology or do you want to build a business. This guide helps you identify what steps you can take.

Exploitable Key Results

The Key Exploitable Results list is a first stop on understanding whether your research has commercial potential. The list provides a structured, high level, set of key questions, crucial to beginning the process of taking your idea to market; including any partners required, the method of exploiting the research, and an initial concept of the market.

Try it yourself. Use the guided questions to understand how many ways your research may be exploited, and the best ways to make that happen. Be sure to refer back to the BBSRC guide, the Analytical framework and the TRL tool to understand where your strengths and weaknesses lie, and the options available to you!