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New release of the Invasive Alien Species Europe Smart App


Invasive alien species (IAS) can have severe effects on biodiversity, ecosystems and human activities. Due to the growing of trade and movement of goods and people, the early detection of newly introduced alien species is vital.


The Invasive Alien Species application, developed by JRC through the collaboration between MYGEOSS and EASIN Teams, enables to report occurrences of IAS of Union concern in Europe, allowing citizens to contribute to early detections of new invaders. User friendly factsheets and pictures guide the user towards the identification of species likely to have been observed.


Citizen reports will undergo a validation process after which data will be fed into EASIN information system, and shown under a specific data partner “Citizen Science”. The App can be freely downloaded from Google and Apple Store.


Be part of the effort to detect and manage IAS in Europe!



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Final Workshop - EMPHASIS on the International Year of Plant Health

The event was organized by the project coordinator Agroinnova, the Center of Competence for the Innovation in the agro-environmental field of University of Torino, directed by Maria Lodovica Gullino.




EMPHASIS survey of potential end-users extended

This short survey aims to learn more about how the practical solutions for pest surveillance, control and eradication developed under the EMPHASIS project address the needs of potential end-users.


EMPHASIS survey of end-users: deadline extended till 19 February 2019




This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020
research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 634179.