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Call for expression of interest for experts participating in Focus Groups of the European Innovation Partnership on “Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability” (EIP-AGRI)

Call for expression of interest for experts participating in Focus Groups of the European Innovation Partnership on “Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability” (EIP-AGRI)

The European Commission is launching a call for experts such as farmers, foresters, advisers, scientists and other relevant actors for three new EIP-AGRI Focus Groups on the following topics:

·       Moving from source to sink in arable farming: searching for cost-effective farm management practices and tools to foster and ensure long-lasting carbon storage capacity in arable farming (Focus Group 26)

·       Circular Horticulture: increasing circularity in protected horticulture (Focus Group 27)

·       Enhancing production and use of renewable energy on the farm (Focus Group 28)

The purpose of a Focus Group is to explore practical innovative solutions to problems or opportunities and to draw on and share experience gained from relevant innovative projects.

These new Focus Groups will start working in October 2017 and are expected to present their results and recommendations within 12 months. Candidates for each of the Focus Groups below are invited to apply in accordance to the rules set out in the call text for the purpose specified by 6 September 2017.


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This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020
research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 634179.