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Eppo Expert Working Group - Tree of Heaven

Tree of Heaven (Ailanthus altissima) is an invasive alien tree species within the EU/EPPO region having been introduced from its native range (Asia and north Oceania) as an ornamental species. The species is widespread and is often seen growing in disturbed areas and along transportation networks.

The European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization (EPPO) is a Standard setting international organization responsible for cooperation and harmonization in plant protection within the European and Mediterranean region and it is a partner within the Emphasis project. The research outputs from Emphasis on Ailanthus altissima (University of Torino) have been presented to the EPPO Panel on Invasive Alien Plants and it was recommended that an EPPO Standard in the series PM9 for National Regulatory Control Systems is developed for this pest within the framework of the project.

An Expert Working Group, financed by Emphasis, is taking place on 2018-11-12/14 in Paris where experts nominated by the National Plant Protection Organizations will meet to develop the international Standard.

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Final Workshop - EMPHASIS on the International Year of Plant Health

The event was organized by the project coordinator Agroinnova, the Center of Competence for the Innovation in the agro-environmental field of University of Torino, directed by Maria Lodovica Gullino.




EMPHASIS survey of potential end-users extended

This short survey aims to learn more about how the practical solutions for pest surveillance, control and eradication developed under the EMPHASIS project address the needs of potential end-users.


EMPHASIS survey of end-users: deadline extended till 19 February 2019




This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020
research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 634179.